About sliding scale coaching fees
As a commitment to providing relevant and accessible support,
I offer sliding scale places to a limited number of clients.
What is sliding scale pricing and how does it work?
Sliding scale pricing offers a service or product with multiple price points. These price points are set to make the service or product accessible to people with different levels of income, so that lack of financial resources need not be a barrier to a person’s ability to access a product or service. Community members can choose the price point that best reflects their ability to pay for a product or service, based on their individual circumstances.
Why a sliding Scale?
I believe that when we come into this world, we carry with us a unique divinity that is wholesome, rich and connective. Relishing every moment as though it is our first and demonstrating gratitude as though that very moment could well be our last.
But as we become tainted by systemic conditioning and capitalistic pressures of productivity, we begin to lose this outlook of not only the world itself but of ourselves. And instead of leaning towards our intrinsic yearning for communal & loving connectivity we become driven by competition, extraction and exploitation.
Our inner knowing, that once was, slowly but surely continues to be depleted by the pressures of living under and within oppressive structures of domination. And before we realise it, we begin to emulate the very structures that harm us.
And as we unpack and decolonise our history it allows us to see but also viscerally feel the ways in which white supremacy and colonial capitalism continue to concentrate resource and capital to the few continually disadvantaging Black, indigenous and people of colour.
The interacting dynamics of multiple oppressive systems also means that anyone who does not fit neatly within the narrow binary of whiteness also finds themselves at the brunt of this system. Queer and trans people, fat people, people with disabilities and chronic illness, migrant workers and refugees among many others find themselves in spaces that do not allow for the expansiveness of their divine humanity.
And as more of us realise that the possession of theoretical knowledge alone is not sufficient. Many of us are beginning to place more emphasis in our abilities to transfer this knowledge into our own everyday practices.
The need for support to continue our collective activation whilst also prioritising our wellbeing as we navigate these systems seems timely and urgent.
My own continued journey of unlearning, healing and pursuit for liberation means that I, like you, also find myself in the midst of these challenges over and over again. And it is important to note and remind ourselves that this in itself is just another indicator of how deeply embedded this conditioning is.
However, my positionality allows me to remain in commitment to a practice of somatic disruption and an intentional embodiment of decolonial and anti-oppressive value systems - allowing me to immerse myself within community and access decolonial wisdom and knowledge systems that centre indigeneity.
And I want you to experience these ways of being in your own life. I want to invite you to lean towards wholesome liberatory love. To lean into your body, into the magnificence that lays dormant within your bones. To access the ways in which we thrived prior to this debilitating social conditioning because I believe that these are the ways in which we can not only reimagine the world but truly recreate it.
There are enough systemic barriers already in place so my aim for this business, this way of life is to eliminate what I can from my own offerings.
I am making my sliding scales more explicit, with three price points available to choose from dependant on your own financial positionality. There will also be more ‘pay what you can’ options and a limited number of pro-bono slots so I can really try to deviate & open up my work to more of you.
Divesting from capitalism also means that I no longer place my worth solely on monetary gain and I regularly offer out my services and expertise to grass roots organisations, charities and individuals in need – please email me if you would like further information.
And whilst I hope to craft a modest livelihood through this business my own sets of privileges mean that I am able to frame this business out with the capitalistic gaze.
I also just really want to redistribute my ongoing learnings, share and celebrate the gifts of our reclamation, because the more of us that practice such ways of being the more the knowledge ripples out from within us and directly to our communities. And this means that we all take one more step towards our collective liberation.
The ways in which I hold the space are grounded in deep, intimate, somatical spirituality activated by my Sikh lineage. I intentionally centre Sarbat da palla as a praxis point in the ways in which I offer out this work.
So, if these words are singing to your soul, please get in touch to find out if we are a good fit and how we could potentially work together.
This work is quite simply my life.
It centres me and it centres you and ultimately it centres community because I believe that the more of us that can access this reclamation the better the world can be. One connection at a time. One disruption at a time.
I also think that this is a step towards how we re-humanise one another.
My sliding scale fee range for a 1-hour coaching session is:
£150 - full fee
How to choose which price point to pay?
I invite you to pay one of the reduced fees for my offerings, if paying the full price would cause you to be less secure in your ability to meet your basic food, health, housing or essential transport needs.
Please take a look at this a handy infographic designed by Alexis J. Cunningfolk to help determine where you might best fall on the scale. (Click to enlarge image.)