Anti-racism consulting and coaching
For individuals, groups and businesses
I specialise in working with individuals, groups and businesses who are looking for a non-judgemental approach.
I provide:
group workshops and training, both online and in-person.
consulting for business owners and organisations.
coaching sessions for business owners and individuals
I'm based in Dundee, Scotland and can travel for in-person events.
My hope through these challenging times is to continue to bring folk in, regardless of where you may be in their anti-racism journey, and to support you to develop an intentional anti-racism practice.
I use mindfulness techniques and meditations to cultivate awareness in the first instance, and disruption in the next.
This automatically leads into action, which is where we are all striving to be.
Who my work is for:
People and organisations who understand the deep systemic racism that’s embedded both in ourselves and in our institutions
Those who understand that their organisation has work to do beyond token gestures
Those who are willing to sit with discomfort and are ready to go deeper than a diversity and inclusion tick-box workshop
Those want to make real, sustained changes in their organisations
Who my work is not for:
Those who are still debating if systemic racism exists
Those who do not understand basic terminology such as “white privilege”, “white supremacy” and “intersectionality”*
Those who do not understand what anti-racism is
Those who do not understand that this is a life-long learning journey
What people are saying...
Kevin Harrison, Scene Stirling - January 2021
"Scene Stirling, a partnership led cultural project supporting Stirling's cultural development, first approached Ravideep Kaur as part of a local effort to engage the arts and cultural community in Stirling in a meaningful conversation about equalities and diversity, and to proactively reduce barriers for artists with protected characteristics to participate within the programme. In response to increased focus on Anti-Racism globally and locally, we were seeking an appropriate way to begin discussions about racism and equalities as part of a series of Unlearning events online during the coronavirus pandemic and Ravideep had a wealth of experience and knowledge to support us with doing this…
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Working with Ravideep was a reassuring and collaborative experience, as she took the time to thoroughly discuss and agree the brief, and put extra efforts to ensure we marketed the event effectively, participating in a Q and A on social media to ensure participants felt safe and informed when joining the session and describing her approach anti-racism education. Ravideep Kaur's work is imbued with the values of honesty, integrity and clarity as well as the passion and mission she brings to her Anti-racism practice.
At all points we reflected on what participants would gain from the session and on how her event would try to connect with the particular experiences of artists and the cultural sector and would also reflect the people and place of Stirling.
Ravideep also prepared additional reflective resources for participants to take away and thought about practical ways the learning could be take further by the participants.
One of the areas of her practice that is particularly appealing is her focus on a mindful approach to addressing Anti-Racism education. Ravideep was at once able to put her participants at ease and to deliver an impactful and well-researched programme of content which touches on really difficult and painful subjects. She took her time to introduce herself and to engage and meet the attendees so as to ensure the content was relevant to the diversity of these attendees themselves.
Feedback was extremely positive, and in fact this pathways session received several unsolicited comments of thanks via social media. There is also further demand for this event to be repeated to reach people who couldn't attend the first session.
Ravideep Kaur was an excellent communicator both in the sessions and before and after. She was was reflective of all our planning and discussions and demonstrated self-reflective practice, problem-solving and a deep knowledge of her subject area and of how to adapt for a targetted group. I would highly recommend her work on Anti-Racism to any cultural or community organisation, local authority or public body and look forward to continuing to work with her."
"Ravideep has an ability to get to the uncomfortable depths of a question whilst ensuring all on the workshop feel open to learning more and more.
Since the workshop, I've been able to begin to unpick the privilege I carry in my work. I can do this whilst also grounding myself and taking time to process my emotions. Ravideep taught me that I can work to become anti-racist and still be grounded.
The biggest positive change is that I'm now able to control my instinctual emotional reaction in situations, where I would previously have been led my anger.
If you are thinking about hiring or working with Ravideep, I must say you should reach out to her. Her workshop will be one the Doulas I train will be required to take every year."
- Jen Muir, Founder of Badass Birth
"Before our workshop with Ravideep I thought I was 'ticking all of the ally boxes'. But that was just it - that’s all I was doing. I wasn’t truly present in my allyship, and I’m so grateful to Ravideep for revealing that.
The workshop was intense, but thoughtful and calm which allowed for some truly deep work to be done. I’ve since taken the time to look at how I go about my anti racism and have changed a lot. I am mindful now to not be doing it for the wrong reasons, without having to lose myself in my guilt.
I am truly blessed to have been able to be a part of such an important workshop and could not recommend Ravideep’s work and presence more."
- Kimberley Connor, Workshop Participant
“I thoroughly enjoyed the module on dissecting anti-racism language and terminology, specifically the importance of detangling from our own attachments to intellectualism and the exploration of why society praises us for knowing things! Thank you so much for sharing your time, energy and expertise. I really enjoyed learning in the safe, welcoming environment that you fostered.”
- Workshop participant
“The importance and in turn the levels of spaciousness given for self-reflection and inquiry were super helpful and will remain with me. This is definitely something that I am keen to cultivate for the team as a whole. Since the workshop I have been thinking, on a much deeper level, about oppressive systems and how they operate and overlap with and because of other systems, including internal ones! 'Systems within systems!' Thank you Ravideep, it was such a positive experience on a topic that can be quite triggering and emotive, much appreciated!”
- Workshop participant
“I loved the openness of the conversations and the fact that you brought anti-racism into the context of our own lives. The way that you shared your own lived experience and stories was really moving and a powerful way to see the individual within the wider system. I loved the presence aspect of the workshop and it allowed me to stay calm throughout but also notice my body's reaction to some of the content. Your words will stay with me, both on a professional but also personal level - thought-provoking, informative, very well- delivered and just a massive thank you Ravideep!”
- Workshop participant
“I found the module and the discussions around power dynamics super informative and relevant. I loved the mindfulness and presence aspect, specifically about how we can choose to make changes in the moment if we are present within our bodies, a practice that is relatively new to me but super easy to pick up and adapt for your own life circumstances.I really enjoyed the facilitation of the session and how it felt like a very safe environment right from the off. Thank you!”
- Workshop participant
Hannah Roberston, Workshop Participant
"Before beginning Ravideep’s workshop, I felt particularly nervous as I haven’t taken such a deep, intentional look into anti-racism and my own privilege in such a way before and I was worried about what I could potentially realise if I had been doing something wrong up to now.
After completing the workshop, I have been able to see white privilege and the power of whiteness more clearly in day to day life, through social interactions, social media and general media…
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The biggest positive change that I have noticed is that I feel more knowledgeable and confident in calling out friends and family members on their own biases and casual everyday racism, while being able to educate them more on why the things they say and/or the jokes that they make are wrong.
If you are thinking about hiring or working with Ravideep, you need to know that she is raw and brutal about the reality of racism and she does not hold back. It can be a lot to process and take on board, personally and professionally but she makes sure to take the time to check in throughout her workshop, and reminds you to take the time to reconnect with yourself and take a break if you need to collect yourself again before continuing.
My biggest takeaway from the workshop was that anti-racism work is constant, it never stops and requires you to use every single part of yourself."