Sample Six month proposal

All packages are tailor-made to suit the needs of the clients, please get in touch for more details.

 What you would be getting:

  • Four x 2-5 hours virtual workshops on the main themes regarding anti-racism 

  • Four x 60-minute virtual coaching sessions for the taskforce on how to implement anti-racism practices

  • Reflective observational work in between the workshops; to encourage continued engagement on the topic and to cultivate personal responsibility 

  • 60-minute zoom debrief session with management team: lessons learnt and steps forward

The ways in which I work

  • Holding a safe, non-judgemental space for whatever comes up for the team (would not bypass comments or discussions that are relevant)

  • Integration with (organisations) value base: specific space to be allocated to allow individuals to think & discuss how these issues are showing up for them, as individuals but also as team members.

  • To encourage self-interrogation in the ways in which individuals may be acting/working based on unconscious biases and entrenched belief systems.

  • A developing focus on building tools on taking action - moving beyond the awareness building stage.

Benefits of coaching with me

The benefit of the coaching element is to create a safe container, giving you permission to show up exactly how you are.  It’s a rare opportunity to be completely honest about what is coming up for you especially with regards to anti-racism.

My intention as your coach is to walk with you and to provide a safe space. I’ll guide you to do the work in a way that supports your wellbeing and builds your sense of self trust. This is provided in a gentle and non-judgemental manner. 

Workshop 1

(2.5 hrs)

Intro & setting the scene

Importance of presence with regards to anti-racism

Barriers to learning

Identity of self & decolonisation

Integration with (organisation) value base:

  • How are these issues affecting you as an individual and as part of a collective?  

Observational homework based on themes discussed throughout session.

Workshop 2

(2.5 hrs)

Homework reflections & discussion 

Racial justice language and purpose

White Privilege & fragility

Systematic racism 

Integration with (organisation) value base:

  • How does privilege affect you as an individual?

  • Systematically how does racism affect the work that you do?  

Observational homework based on themes discussed throughout session.

Workshop 3

(2.5 hrs)

Homework reflections & discussion


Power dynamics

White saviourism 

Integration with (organisation) value base:

  • Black lives matter: what has changed for you, for your workplace, for the UK?

  • How do power dynamics affect you & how you show up for your work? 

Observational homework based on themes discussed throughout session.

Workshop 4

(2.5 hrs)

Homework reflections & discussion

Intentional inclusion & cross-cultural communication


Integration with (organisation) value base:

  • What is being done well in the team/organisation? 

  • What and how could it be improved?

  • Anti-racism as an ongoing commitment for the team…

Final thoughts 

  • Each session will start with a grounding/breathing exercise to centre oneself and to encourage full presence throughout the session.  All sessions are built with an intention of safety and trust with mindful check-ins throughout to allow individuals to connect back in with themselves, especially as we delve deeper where topics can be personally emotive.

  •  I always finish with a grounding meditation to decompress from the session.


For any organisation wanting to work towards anti-racism practices it is imperative that there is a clear understanding that there is no quick fix to embodying these practices as we are looking to change a culture of thinking and doing; hence the addition of the coaching element - to provide support to the management team/members that hold marginalised identities as they could potentially be triggered or there maybe potential pushbacks within the wider team.

These sessions aim to support the wider local and global conversations regarding Black Lives Matter and anti-racism work. 

These actions need to be part of a longer-term strategy which require investment on multiple platforms (time, money, energy) in order to improve the outcomes for Black, minority ethnic, service-users but also team-members too.   

Using mindfulness techniques and meditations my hope is that we cultivate awareness in the first instance, and disruption in the next.

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Working with presence specifically with regards to antiracism allows us to dig deeper, learn new things and explore issues that may well be lying under the surface of consciousness. 

This is proving to be more important than ever, especially as the global landscape with regards to Black Lives Matter and anti-racism work is the hot topic of now, so our ability to sift out useful information and dialogue, for real and sustained change is absolutely essential.

 About your host

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Ravideep Kaur is a presence-led coach/mentor and anti-racism consultant who is incredibly passionate about owning and representing the wholeness of who we are, so that we can let go of the deep social conditioning that no longer serves us. 

This allows us to begin to build and embody a sense of self-trust so that we can move forth in our journey towards collective healing. 

My hope through these challenging times is to continue to bring folk in, regardless of where they may be in their anti-racism journey, and to support you to develop an intentional anti-racism practice.

Positioning herself as both teacher and student simultaneously, she also is on her own spiritual path of discovery, unlearning and healing.